Applying Cognitive Principles to Model-Finding Output: The Positive Value of Negative Information
Tristan Dyer, Tim Nelson, Kathi Fisler, and Shriram Krishnamurthi
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages
Sterling: A Web-Based Visualizer for Relational Modeling Languages
Tristan Dyer and John Baugh
Rigorous State Based Methods. ABZ 2021.
Lightweight Formal Methods in Scientific Computing
Tristan Dyer
PhD Dissertation
Bounded Verification of Sparse Matrix Computations
Tristan Dyer, Alper Altuntas, and John Baugh
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Software Correctness for HPC Applications, Correctness 2019.
State-based Formal Methods in Scientific Computation
John Baugh and Tristan Dyer
Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z: 6th International Conference, ABZ 2018
SMT: An Interface for Localized Storm Surge Modeling
Tristan Dyer and John Baugh
Advances in Engineering Software
An Exact Reanalysis Technique for Storm Surge and Tides in a Geographic Region of Interest
John Baugh, Alper Altuntas, Tristan Dyer, and Jason Simon
Coastal Engineering
An Interface for Subdomain Modeling using a Novel Range Search Algorithm for Extracting Arbitrary Shapes
Tristan Dyer
Master's Thesis
2024 Tristan Dyer